Church books of the city of Chur

Until 1875, church records were kept by hand by the parish clergy as event registers (baptism, marriage, burial). In the case of baptism and burial, the registered events do not correspond exactly to the day of the associated civil status events (birth, death).

The individual events were registered in each case at the place of citizenship, as far as one received knowledge of it there. A pastor also registered all civil status events in his parish, regardless of whether they concerned parishioners or outsiders. The church records were superseded by the civil status registers and the civil and family registers starting in 1876.[14]

In the city archives of Chur, the first church books can be found from 1575. Some church books later fell victim to city fires or other events.

Impressum und rechtliche Hinweise


Kirchbuch der reformierten Kirche St. Regula mit Geburten, Ehen und Todesfällen von 1679-1776. (StAC, A I 21 b 2/90b.6)


14: Mikrofilme der Kirchenbücher aller Bündner Gemeinden, Veronika Übersax, 2016, StAGR