B.V.g. Elisabeth Köhl-Terz (1658-1736) – The landlady

In 1683, Elisabeth Köhl married Master David Terz (1646-†1725), son of the Seckelmeister Johann Antoni Terz and brother of the Oberzunftmeister Antoni Terz. The latter was Seckelmeister from 1679 to 1685 and worked closely with Bernhard Köhl. The Terzens were neighbors of the Köhls and lived right next to the Paradieshaus on Obere Gasse. Elisabeth's father described this marriage as "happy and blessed."

The Terz-Köhl family may have acquired the Haus zum Weissen Ochsen near Ochsenplatz as early as 1702, moved into it, and operated an inn. This is first mentioned in writing in 1716.1 The couple had seven children, five of whom reached adulthood.

Children of Elisabeth Köhl with David Terz:

  1. Maria Terz (1683-†1739) ∞1704 pastor Georg Soliva (1672-†1736). Several children, including Rev. Georg Soliva (1710-†1776).
  2. Bernhard Terz (1684-†1702), died at age 18.
  3. Gertrud Terz (1686-†1709), ∞1707 Dr. Zacharias Damur.
  4. Johann Antoni Terz (1688-†1764), innkeeper, guild clerk shoemaker. 1∞1709 Anna Maria Schwarz (1687-†1713), 2∞ 1714 Madlena Beeli (1690-†1720). 3∞1722 Johanna Heim (1697-†1776).
  5. Barbara Terz (1693-†1694), died in her 2nd year.
  6. Elisabeth Terz (1696-†1727), ∞ Paulus Paravicini, died without descendants.

Elisabeth was able to witness the birth of many grandchildren, but also had to bury three of her children. Her son Bernhard died of catarrh (inflammation of the mucous membrane) at the age of only 18, and daughter Gertrud died at the age of 23 shortly after the birth of her first child. Elisabeth's daughter Elisabeth also died at only 31.

In addition, her son Johann Antoni, innkeeper at the "Weissen Ochsen", got into great trouble in 1720. His wife, Madlena Beeli, had died unexpectedly of a stroke. Soon it was rumored that Antoni might have killed his wife. No one wanted to stay in the "murder house" anymore. The courts found that no violence had taken place. Johann Antoni Terz, however, was convicted of taking care of his wife too late.

Elisabeth outlived her husband by eleven years and died at the age of 78 in the presence of her two children Johann Antoni and Maria in their house at the Ochsenbrunnen.

Husband: David Terz
Children: 6
Occupation: Landlady


16: Testament des Bernhard Köhl, Bernhard Köhl, 1690, StAGR B2125/3

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