B.V.c. Emerita Köhl-Reidt (1648-1720)

Emerita, second oldest daughter of Mayor Bernhard von Köhl, followed the advice of her parents and married Georg Reidt (1637-†before 1677) around 1666, son of Gregorius Reidt, master builder and treasurer, and Ursula Eblin.

But even this son-in-law soon caused her father great concern: "I had good hopes for this one. He would develop well and understand his business. But I think he behaved carelessly and drank too much." Four sons were born, but Georg fell more and more into debt and succumbed to his vices before the age of 40, as their father had feared. Emerita moved with her two surviving sons, Peter and Gregor, into the former home of the guild master Andreas Terz, which was located on Obere Gasse right next to the Paradieshaus. Emerita was penniless after the death of her husband, but could hope for an inheritance from the Reidt family. Therefore, her father let her and her children live rent-free in his house.

Children Emerita Köhl and Georg Reidt:

  1. Gregorius Reidt (1666–†1698) starb ledig mit 32 Jahren.

  2. Peter Reidt (1669–†1741), Ratsherr. ∞ Violante Vicedomini from Tratona (Tramonti). 1 dother Emerita Reidt (1701–†1776).

  3. Bernhard Reidt (um 1670–†21.4.1680) starb als Kind.

  4. NN Reidt (um 1672–†um 1680) starb als Kind.

Husband: Georg Reidt
Children: 4
Occupation: Housewife

The Demuth affair

In 1678, Emerita began an affair with the candidate Samuel Demuth, who was a teacher in her father's house. Demuth claimed afterwards in all seriousness. Emerita had promised him marriage. However, the strict town bailiff Köhl did not want to know anything about this, but resisted with all means against a foreign, jobless and penniless theology candidate marrying into his highly respected family. Thus, this marriage matter came before the council and the court. Demuth left Chur shortly thereafter and never returned.

Their son Gregorius died in 1698 at the age of 32, leaving only their son Peter. Peter Reidt (1669-†1741) was admitted to the shoemakers' guild in 1694, which must have pleased his grandfather, then mayor. He married Violante Vicedomini around 1700, with whom he probably had only 1 daughter, Emerita Reidt. From 1715-1720 he was keeper at St. Martin. Emerita did not marry again and died at the age of 72 in Chur.


16: Testament des Bernhard Köhl, Bernhard Köhl, 1690, StAGR B2125/3

The late career of her son Peter Reidt

It was only after the death of his mother that Peter started his career in the shoemakers' guild. In 1721, together with his cousin, Bernhard Köhl, was elected guild master of shoemakers and now climbed the guild master ladder together with his cousin. When the inheritance of Bernhard von Köhl was redistributed in 1728, Peter Reidt received a considerable share (10%) of this property.

In 1729, together with his cousin Bernhard Köhl, he stood for election as head guildmaster of the shoemakers' guild and was elected. His cousin was also elected as head guild master the following year. Peter held this office alternately with Bernhard until 1734. In 1735 he was elected alderman. He held this position until his death in 1741.

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