Julius de Rogister, naturalized in 1564 as Gili Külch, was the first Köhl in Chur. Julius, who called himself Gili, practiced the profession of a white tanner. Around 1550, according to the spokesman, he married a von Capol and had 14 children, three of whose sons had descendants[3] This is likely to be a daughter of Luzi von Capol (15xx-1570), bailiff in Maienfeld in 1531, builder of the Planaterra house around 1533, teacher at the Latin school in Chur[5].
Around 1590, Gili purchased a meadow on the Plessur[6], near the Rhine, from the city of Chur. This property would then remain in the family's possession for many centuries as the Köhlsche Plessurgut and was only finally sold in 1816.
Since the baptismal records before 1575 and the church records from 1596-1610 are no longer available, only the names of the male children who had descendants in Chur after 1577 could be determined. It should be noted that in the baptismal books from this period only the name of the father and the newborn were given. The marriage books from this time are no longer available. The following sons with children could be determined:
Gilli Köhl had children from 1576-1595. About Christian Köhl is only known that he became father of 8 children from 1577-1588. From 1588 on there are no further entries about this family. This indicates that the family had left Chur after 1588, the male descendants had no children or were carried off by one of the rampant epidemics. Arnold Köhl had children from 1595. Hence the chosen order and the estimated birth dates.
The family line of Arnold Köhl (1564-†~1630) produced some important personalities who were to hold above all important positions in the city administration. The family line of Gili Köhl (~1556-~1620) was largely limited to the continuation of the tanner tradition.
In the tax book of the city of Chur from 1578 the following persons are listed:
In the same household in quart 4:
Also in Quart 4, but different house:
Jöri, Urban, Hans & Greta may have been other children of Gilli Köhl. Arnold was 14 years old at this time and not liable to pay taxes.
Wife: von Capol
Children: 14
Occupation: Tanner
3: Sammlung Rätischer Geschlechter, Sprecher von Bernegg, Anton Hercules, 1847,
5: Geschichte des Churer Stadtrates 1422-1922, Valèr Michael, 1922,
6: Testament des Bernhard Köhl, Bernhard Köhl, 1672-1695, StAGR B2125/3