The house at Bärenloch 8

The striking house at Bärenloch was built around 1500 and bought by the family of Johann Jakob Köhl (1825-†1904) in 1864. He moved with his family from the house at Casinoplatz and moved to Bärenloch 8. The house was owned by the family until 1942 and was sold after the death of the last descendant.

    Year of construction: 1500
    Owner 1864: Johann Jakob Köhl
    Owner 1905: Johann Jakob Köhl sel. heirs [17]


Impressum und rechtliche Hinweise

Bärenloch 8-2021.jpg

Bärenloch 8, bis 1942 im Besitz der Familie Köhl


17: Churer Zünfte 1465 - heute, Ulf Wendler, 2017, Stadtarchiv Chur