Köhl family graves in the Chur city garden

The Protestant Scaletta Cemetery in Chur was established outside the city walls around 1550. In 1862 the Protestant cemetery Daleu was inaugurated and the Scaletta cemetery was transformed into the city garden. Walking through today's city garden, one discovers these grave slabs of the former Scaletta cemetery in the cemetery wall.

Gravestone Fam. Bernhard von Köhl

One of these tombstones is dedicated to the family of Mayor Bernhard Köhl. Besides him, the wife is "immortalized" in the stone, and the children are also listed.

So it says on this record: "I live in anticipation of death, to live through death. God, the greatest (and) best sacred. The noble man, famous for justice, prudence, dignity and skill in his deeds, father of the fatherland, the excellent Mr. Bernhard Köhl, once appointed in 1677 as bailiff of the city of Chur, in 1681 chief judge (of a court of arbitration) of the three confederations, in 1689 elected head of the confederation of houses of God and mayor of the city (Chur), born in Chur in 1624 on June 2, died in 1700 on April 7. - His dearest wife Mrs. Gertrud Scheffknecht, born in 1624 in the month of April, snatched from this sad valley of misery in 1695 on March 27. - The sons: Peter, Armenvogt; Andreas, candidate of philosophy and medicine, died in 1682 in St. Gallen; Bernhard, V. D. M.; Joseph, doctor of philosophy and medicine; the daughters: Martha, Emeritha, Anna Maria, Sibilla, Elisabeth, Gertrud, Anna Katharina and the couple of the once deceased Bernhard and Gertrud. God save them all in His name, and joyful and happy be their resurrection to eternal life. Amen."[37]

Grabplatte im Stadtgarten Chur Bernhard Köhl
Zeichnung aus dem Buch "Die Grabdenkmäler auf dem alten Friedhof in Chur"

Gravestone Fam. Peter Köhl

Another grave slab is dedicated to the father of Bernhard Köhl, Peter Köhl and his wife, Emerita Matis:

So it says on this plate: "Alhier ruohet in Gott dem Herren/ der erenvest Herr Peter Köhl, aetatis 79, obyt 1674 die 8 Februarii und die ehren/tugentreich Frau Emerita geborne Matisi sein Ehefrau, obyt 1675 die 3. Februarii aetatis 75; lived in matrimony 52 years, dero Eren Danck Gedechnus their some son old Seckel and Ober Zunftmeister Bernhard Köhl, diser time Statama ingedenck desen 2 children name Bernhard obyt 1660 die 8. Aprill aetatis 4 and Gertrud, obyt 12. April 1660 aetatis 6 year. God verlich them a fröliche Aufferstentnus. Amen."[38]

This slab mentions Bernhard Köhl's two children, Bernhard and Gertrud, who died in 1660. The gravestone itself was probably made in 1674/1675.

Grabplatte im Stadtgarten Chur Peter Köhl
Zeichnung aus dem Buch "Die Grabdenkmäler auf dem alten Friedhof in Chur"

Gravestone Fam. Köhl-Hosang

In the city garden there is another grave slab, which is dedicated to the Köhl-Hosang family.

On this plate it says: "Hiehr ruohwet sanft ... und selig in dem Heren des wohledlen, ehrenvesten Her Fendrich Hosang und der ... virtuous wife ... in ... Elisabeth Köhl starb den ..."[38]

Due to severe weathering, the content of the text could only be partially deciphered and assigned. It is not known which Elisabeth Köhl it is about and in which year the grave slab was made. Since the old family coat of arms of the Köhl was still used, the plate was certainly created before 1684.

The Hosang family of Mutten was naturalized in Chur in 1526. A Gregor Hosang, probably the son of the Fähndrich Hosang mentioned on the gravestone, was from 1676 repeatedly
guild master.[5]

Zeichnung aus dem Buch "Die Grabdenkmäler auf dem alten Friedhof in Chur"

Impressum und rechtliche Hinweise


Stadtgarten mit Grabplatten (StAGR, FN IV 13/18 C 142 )


5: Geschichte des Churer Stadtrates 1422-1922, Valèr Michael, 1922

37: Unser Churer Stadtgarten, Hans Berger, 2002,

38: Die Grabdenkmäler auf dem alten Friedhof in Chur, Wiesmann, Peter, G. Bener Sen., 1943, StadtAC,