Sebastian von Köhl (1734-†1781) - commander

Eldest son of Bernhard von Köhl (1693-†1762) - captain & head guildmaster. Sebastian Köhl was a grenadier lieutenant in the service of the Republic of Genoa and later commander of a free corps of 600 men, distinguished himself in the war campaign against the Corsican rebels. In 1762 he married Anna Catherine Lorez, who gave him 4 children[3]. Sebastian proudly bore the noble title von Köhl, as did his father.

Sebastian joined the Rebleute guild in 1755. In 1771, he was employed as Reiswaagmeister by the city of Chur, and in this capacity, a heated dispute arose between him and guild master Johann Baptista Bawier. The dispute was then tried before town judge Anton von Salis [57]. From 1775-1777, he was then the keeper of the Pflegschaft St. Martin.

On New Year's Eve 1780, shortly after his 46th birthday, Sebastian suffered a hemorrhage (cerebral stroke) and died of its consequences 2 days later. On January 4 he was buried by his relative, priest Bernhard Terz, in St. Martin's. At his death he left behind 3 minor children.

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Children of Sebastian Köhl with Anna Katharina Lorez:

  • Johann Jakob von Köhl (1763-†1826) - alderman of Chur.
  • Köhl Jeremias (1766-†~1846). Wine steward. Jeremias joined the Rebleute guild in 1803 but then seems to have served as a soldier. In 1806 and 1818 he is described as a lieutenant and appears to have been stationed in Ljubljana in present-day Slovenia (then Ljubljana and part of the Austrian Empire). He continued to pay the land tax. In 1846 he is listed for the last time in the tax books of Chur. Ljubljana is given as his place of residence. He seems to have had no descendants.
  • Köhl Bernhard von Rogister (1774-†), married Margreth Hemmi in 1796, probably not entirely voluntarily[57]. The couple had 3 children. As of 1806, Bernhard is no longer listed in the tax books of Chur, so he is deceased or has left Chur.
  • Köhl Elisabeth (1778-†). She married a Camenisch and emigrated to Lubliana, Slovenia. In 1817 she is then mentioned in Grodno (Russia) as the wife of Nuot Robbi of Silvaplana. Nothing is known about children, she does not seem to have returned to Chur.

His wife Anna Katharina married Johannes Wassali after the death of her husband in 1787. The latter is mentioned in a paternity suit against Bernhard Köhl in 1796 as stepfather of Johann Jakob and Bernhard and is questioned.[58]

Wife: Anna Katharina Lorez
Childen: 4
Occupation: Commander, Reiswaagmeister
Guild: Rebleutezunft


57: Streit zwischen Zunftmeister Johann Baptista Bawier, Stadtgericht, 1771, StAGR CB II 1360 e 08

58: Verhandlung vor Siebnergericht betr. Klage gegen Bernhard Köhl, Stadtgericht, 1976, StadtAC, A II/2.0914

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