On June 28, 1762, it began to rain heavily in Chur. After 2 days of continuous rain, the Plessur burst its banks and devastated Chur. The Metzger and Obertorer bridges were torn away. The customs house and the Rot-Gerbe of guild master Johannes Bavier were also completely destroyed. The Upper Gate and the house of Mrs. Elisabeth Davaser attached to it were also endangered. The Terz family had to evacuate their house on Ochsenplatz. All the household goods were packed onto an ox cart and taken to safety at the White Cross. Antoni was lucky and his house was spared. But the damage caused by the raging masses of water was enormous. The town was almost inaccessible for several days and the first temporary structures were quickly put in place so that trade goods could be brought back into the town. As the customs house had also been destroyed, the house of Mr. Schmid at the Obertor was turned into a customs house and cousin Simeon Damur moved in as customs officer.
The family book of the family Terz
Related persons:
Johannes von Bavier (15.5.1737–24.11.1807), Zunftmeister. Siehe SBAV.
Elisabeth Davaser (13.10.1741–15.4.1779), Ehefrau von Christian Loretz (1740–2.5.1785). Siehe SDAV.