The Köhlsche Büchel (also called Bühl or Felsenau) is an estate situated on the Plessur on the Grossbrugger meadow. The dwelling house stands on a hill of slate fragments, which are rock heads protruding from the bedload of the Rhine valley or are remains of an old landslide.[72] The house was built on a hill of slate fragments.
In 1826, Councilman Johann Jakob Köhl bought this estate from Joseph Elbin for 2400 gulden. Johann Jakob bequeathed the estate to his son Sebastian von Köhl, (1793-†1857) - colonel and town bailiff and his daughter Margreth. The wealthy Sebastian then bought additional land and took over his sister's share in 1836. He was now the sole owner of the extensive estate. Sebastian bequeathed the estate to his daughter Menga Margareth, who was 7 years old when he died. In 1870 Menga Margareth renovated the house together with her fiancé, Major Eduard Gamser. Menga Margareth died shortly after. The property passed to her husband Eduard Gamser. The heirs sold the estate in 1891 for 65000 guilders. The estate was thus in the possession of the Köhl family for 70 years.
72: Die Churer Toma, Hans Brunner, 1962